When your goods enter the warehouse, we prepare to handle it with kid gloves. We receive and handle not only parcels and palletised goods, but specific types of goods as well, such as paper reels and ADR items. Our expert and qualified staff will handle your goods in full compliance with safety standards.
You can bank on us, in Italy and abroad as well. Our Capriate San Gervasio 6,000-square-metre warehouse, situated right off the A4 Motorway, is just the site for deposit, storage and integrated-logistics services. Our company can count on a wide network of warehouses; we easily and accurately handle your goods throughout the deposit and consignment operations all across Europe.
Customise your consignments. You choose the batches that you want delivered anytime. We take care of collecting them from the warehouse to sort your freight. We process your demand in a very short time; you won't waste a minute.
We ensure you safe transportation, starting from the packaging. We provide a reliable transport service; that's our forte. And that's why our warehouse is equipped with the appropriate instruments to fasten your freight with the best packaging. Pesenti high quality is at your disposal since the packaging.